eSIM Test Profile Service - Custom Template
As an optional extension of the eSIM Test Profile Service, you can use the service with personalized eSIM test profiles which are based on a profile template developed by yourself. The provisioning of such an eSIM test profile template into your eSIM Test Profile Service account is covered by this supplementary service. In order to make use of it, you need to be an active user of the eSIM Test Profile Service. If you do not want to create a custom eSIM test profile template yourself but would like COMPRION to deliver it as a service for you, please contact your sales representative via
Benefits/Use Cases:
- Trigger a very specific device / eSIM behavior which you need to test, e.g. in combination with device software
- Check the interoperability and the device behavior based on an eSIM profile which shows certain features of an MNO’s operational profile