Training Academy

Training Academy
Andreas Bertling

Director Technology & Standardization

Phone +49 5251 6859 300

Never Stop Learning Because Life Never Stops Teaching!

As a company involved in specification work, and as an early integrator of test environments for Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) and for Near Field Communication (NFC), COMPRION would like to share their knowledge with you by offering topic-related technology trainings.

Predefined Training Packages and Tailored Trainings

We offer various packages for beginners as well as for advanced learners. Common to all is that each package covers the most essential knowledge you should have about this topic. 

Product Trainings

Companies that would like product training should contact us to arrange an appointment with our experts. Product training courses not only provide a basic understanding of all functions of our tools and solutions, but also address your specific questions and requirements.

Our trainers will be happy to support you on site, in our facilities and via remote video conference.

Interested? Contact us at sales(at) or info(at)

Contact us!

If you cannot find what you are looking for, leave us a note and we will get back to you as soon as possible.