Overview RSP & Embedded SIM Ecosystem

  • What are eSIM and eUICC?
  • What kind of problems can be solved by the eSIM?
    • Background, concepts, advantages
  • Applied eSIM/RSP technology: eSIM trends and deployments on the market
    • Smartwatches, eCall, and others
  • Concept of operator profiles and profile switching
  • Definitions/vocabulary
  • International standards (GSMA, SIMalliance/Trusted Connectivity Alliance, ETSI)
  • M2M and consumer devices – two different concepts defined by GSMA
  • High-level architecture of the ecosystem
  • Roles and players (with examples for M2M and consumer devices)
  • Security aspects (keys, certificates, algorithms)
  • Certification
  • Live or remote demo

Target audience:

Anyone who has come into contact with eSIM/RSP technology and does not yet have in-depth knowledge of it.

Learning objectives:

In the training you will learn about the eSIM/RSP concepts and technologies. Get to know the technical background behind RSP M2M and consumer devices. Understand the basics about the eSIM ecosystem and the key security components. A general overview of the market and key market players is outlined.


Any Questions?

Contact our eSIM test expert
Olga Käthler
+49 1520 92910 77

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