Challenges of Testing Mobile Payments
The mobile payment market is growing and revolutionizing how to pay at the register. With increased complexity resulting from the interaction of many different point-of-sale terminals, banks, devices, and applications, pin-pointing the root cause of mobile payment issues can be a challenge.
To produce actionable results, testing often requires tracing of communication protocols during test execution. Normally, this requires a laptop and a cable connected to the device and possibly other large pieces of equipment. While this is the traditional approach in a lab, it is not feasible in the real point-of-sale (POS) environment. Using a laptop or any special equipment connected to a smartphone during a payment process – to capture NFC-related protocol information – will draw attention and raise security concerns from shop owners and customers. Yet, field test of mobile payment solutions (or any other NFC-based service) under real-life conditions is essential to ensure that customers can trust the payment service.
The New TraceCase – Small, Inconspicuous, Convenient
COMPRION TraceCase – developed in collaboration with P3 communications – is the perfect tool for live capturing of the contactless interaction between smartphones and the point of sale. The tool is a smartphone case that houses an existing device and is equipped with proven NFC tracing technology. |
Author: Markus Michelt, Global Manager for Device Testing P3
About P3 communications
P3 communications is the leading international consulting, engineering, and testing services company in the aviation, automotive, telecommunication, and the IoT industries. Based on many years of experience, P3 is recognized as the proven market expert and knows exactly the challenges of field testing (to test a product or service under conditions of actual operation or use). Essentially, every product will be tested before market entry to ensure proper functionality and performance. P3 engineers perform field tests in many countries around the world – combining local know-how and technical expertise. The P3 experts test and analyze the functions and performance of smartphones – but also from connected cars, smart meters, WLAN devices, and IoT devices.
COMPRION, a company dedicated to testing, invested in two brand-new 5G RedCap devices—only to face an unexpected surprise. Despite the manufacturer’s…
Applus+ Laboratories, a leading testing and certification service provider, and the test solution provider COMPRION have entered into a groundbreaking…
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