
September 01, 2015

COMPRION Insight: Troubleshooting with Analog Scope

Our digital storage oscilloscope, called Analog Scope, which is available for all our test tools, is an indispensable aid when it comes to analyzing signal flow on the electrical level. The user interface has a “look & feel” that is based on commercial storage oscilloscopes and is designed to display the relevant signals in an adequate resolution together with the relevant characteristics and measurement values. The following example from the field illustrates how you can find the cause for a failed RF test according to NFC Forum specification with just a few clicks by using Analog Scope.

The result report for the UT³ NFC Forum RF Analog Test Bench lists several passed and one failed test case (see figure 1 “Test Case Execution History”).

Figure 1

Look at the “Verdict” column showing a white cross in a red square. Click on the oscilloscope button in the same line (figure 1 “Results“ column) and the next window will show the waveform recorded by the Analog Scope during testing of an NFC-B carrier frequency (figure 2).

Figure 2

In figure 2, the red flag shows the location where the waveform deviates from the specification. Zoom into the relevant location, press [Ctrl]+[V] and read the comment (see figure 3 “NFC-B Wave-Form – Result: Failed”).

Figure 3

You will quickly find out why this test has not passed successfully. A monotonically decreasing signal between the 90 % and 10 % signal levels is stipulated. In our case, you can see that this has not happened due to the quick rise of the signal shortly before the 10 % threshold has been reached.

This is just one example of how immensely Analog Scope facilitates troubleshooting because it has been designed with customer benefit in mind.

Author: Matthias Krampe, Product Marketing Manager

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