Press Releases

November 19, 2013

COMPRION Launches ‘OTAbility’ Test Solution

After years of development and deployments across the globe, OTA mobile device management is now becoming a ubiquitous offering from carriers and manufacturers worldwide. The industry has recognized that this service can be used to promote new and exciting wireless data services and device upgrades that are becoming a much larger portion of their revenues. Thus, in addition to meeting customer needs through faster and easier software updates, OTA technology promises to provide wireless operators and handset manufacturers a means to increase revenue opportunities and improve subscriber satisfaction and loyalty.

However, this strategy will not work without testing! First and foremost, mobile payment services require complex security precautions. It is vital for the underlying technologies in this highly sensitive field to work seamlessly and without opening any loopholes whatsoever.  On that ground alone, testing OTA device management is inevitable, but due to its complexity, it has been tricky in the past.

COMPRION’s recently released OTAbility test solution  counteracts this by providing an end-to-end test setting in a verifiable lab environment for complex remote application and file management systems on smart cards and other secure elements. The setup consisting of smart card, mobile equipment, cellular network and backend server enables simulation of the entire remote application and file management use cases within the OTA infrastructure for the first time. Considering the cost of a potential recall of UICCs that are already in the field this novelty seems to be long awaited.

Apart from the tools, COMPRION offers consulting services which help to specify and implement custom solutions for mobile network operators, test labs, mobile equipment and secure element manufacturers, Trusted Service Manager and OTA server providers. 

For more information, please visit the OTAbility website.



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