The Challenge
You regularly scan eSIMs that are crowded with different files. As long as you only need to know the content of the standard files, everything is fine. However, when you’re leaving the safe haven of standardized content, you’ll instantly stumble into unknown territory: the realm of proprietary files. Depending on this special content, you seem to be in trouble, because how can you access the information? Relax, there is light at the end of the tunnel.
The COMPRION Solution
As we’re familiar with our customers’ needs, we’ve equipped the Explorer of our eUICC Profile Manager with customizable scan templates. Scan templates define the files that are selected during a scan. By customizing your optimal personal templates, you can add proprietary files related to the card’s operating system to your scan that would otherwise not be found.
Step 1
We start with a global scan of the complete content of a default profile – the same procedure as usual:
Using the default settings, all files defined in current specifications of the file systems are scanned. But… what about the proprietary files that we know are stored on this type of eSIM? These
proprietary files have been left out by the default scan. We’ll need the special skills of our tool to find a way out.
Step 2
As a temporary solution, we switch to the ‘Scan by FID’ feature of eUICC Profile Manager to get the content of the proprietary files fast:
After specifying the range, we start the scan. Here’s the result:
In this example, we focus on the files with the FIDs 00F1, 00F2, and 00F3. So, using the FIDs works in this situation. But if you want to scan these types of proprietary files frequently or if you have lots of different FIDs to be scanned, this method may quickly become a little tedious. That’s when the scan template comes into play.
Step 3
Now we further improve the process. We open the scan template editor and customize an individual template according to our needs:
With this customized template at hand, we are perfectly prepared for all future scans of profiles that include these types of proprietary files. We’ll only need to choose this template and start the scan without any further adjustments. And if there are new file types to be scanned, we can instantly adapt the templates to the new requirements.
The Conclusion
Don’t fear unknown territory – aka proprietary files – anymore! COMPRION’s eUICC Profile Manager provides you with a reliable tool for scanning all files on an eSIM systematically. You won’t miss any content again.
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