EMVCo-accredited test labs only need to do a simple software update to run the latest tests for product approval of payment terminals. The new version…
CETECOM’s laboratory in Milpitas has purchased the COMPRION EMVCo PCD Analog Test Solution. The team in Milpitas will use it to offer terminal type…
Test laboratory CTC advanced GmbH (formerly CETECOM ICT Services GmbH) have bought the EMVCO PCD Analog Test Solution by COMPRION. They will use the…
COMPRION has announced the qualification of its EMVCo PCD Analog Test Solution. To prove the compliance of POS terminals, EMVCo maintains a set of…
EMVCo has approved the EMVCo Electrical Terminal Test Solution of the German test equipment manufacturer COMPRION. The solution is operated on the UT³…
COMPRION extends its involvement in EMVCo activities. Testing for mobile payment is now required by the mobile operator association GSMA through their…
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