Product Features FAQ

The eSIM Test Profile Service in its current version addresses all devices which use the GSMA Remote SIM Provisionig technology as defined for “consumer” devices (SGP.21/22). This includes devices like smartphones, watches, laptops, but also many IoT devices like dog trackers, surveillance cameras etc. Even some industrial M2M devices use this technology even though this was not the target of this technology.

Complementary, there is the related GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning technology for M2M devices (SGP.01/02). The eSIM Test Profile Service does not yet support this specification and the related devices.

IoT devices are supported as long as they are based on the GSMA Remote SIM Provisionig technology as defined for “consumer” devices (SGP.21/22). Many IoT devices addressing consumer use cases (WiFi routers, dog trackers, surveillance cameras etc.) use this technology and are therefore supported by the eSIM Test Profile Service.

This is not possible – at least not at the same point in time. There are two options:

  1. Download the test profile to one device and conduct your testing. Then, delete the test profile on this first device. When this is done, you can download the test profile to another device for testing.
  2. If you need a test profile on multiple devices in parallel, use a separate test profile per device. You can check the self-service portal for available test profiles (in the Released state). If there are no more test profiles in Released state but in the Available state, transfer them into Release by ordering them. If there are still not enough test profiles of a specific template type, contact COMPRION to provision more into your stock here.

Profiles and Profile Templates FAQ

   ·     You can find a specification document on the GSMA web portal: Please check the “TS.48 Generic eUICC Test Profile for Device Testing” document here (

Please check the Profile template page of this online documentation to get information about all available profile templates and options to provide custom templates.

When you look into the profile management section of your self-service portal account, you initially only find profiles according to the GSMA TS.48 specification.

This is intended as it is just the starting point (as TS.48 is very frequently used) and is meant to prevent  you from being flooded with profiles related to too many profile templates which you do not need.

You can request additional profiles according to any of the provided templates as needed here.

There is an option to support you with profiles according to custom templates. Please see here for more details.

You are right. The original specification of a standardized test profile, for example, GSMA TS.48, may specify a specific ICCID. This is possible if you test a single device/eUICC with a dedicated RSP service that is only used for this device (or you do not use a RSP service at all, because the test profile is already on the eUICC).

A service like the eSIM Test Profile Service, which deals with multiple personalized profiles, serving multiple devices, must be able to differentiate the test profiles. And this needs to happen by different ICCIDs.

However, this deviation from the specification of the test profile should not cause problems.

We might be able to provide you with such a custom profile templates. Please have a look at this section, explaining the options.

Please just go here to request additional personalized profiles.

You can see the state of a personalized profile in two places in the self-service portal:

  • On the Profiles tab, in the rightmost column
  • In the detailed view of a specific profile

These states are defined in the GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning specification SGP.22, which you can find here. Most important for you are the following states:

AvailableThe personalized profile was produced and is in your account. But it is not yet ready to be downloaded to a device. For this, you first need to order it, which will bring it into the Released state.
ReleasedThe personalized profile is ready to be downloaded to a test device. No other device is using it at this moment.
DownloadedThe personalized profile was successfully downloaded to a device, but is not yet installed.
InstalledThe personalized profile was successfully downloaded to a device and was also successfully installed.
ErrorSomething went wrong during downloading or installing a personalized profile. To get more details on the problem, see here.


Consistent with the ICCID, the IMSI will contain:

  • 001 for MCC
  • 01 for MNC

These values represent the standardized values for a test network.

The initial digits of the ICCIDs will always be:

       89 00101053

The 89 stands for the telecommunications industry.

Following these digits you will find digits representing a serial number of the test profile, and finally a single calculated check digit.

Part of the template provisioning is also to define the metadata used for this template, which may also result in different behaviors of respective profiles on a device/eUICC.

Profile metadata is standardized in the GSMA Remote SIM Provisioning specification SGP.22.

As a default, each profile/profile template will be provisioned with:

  • MCC / MNC = 001 / 01
  • Profile Class "Test"

According to the GSMA RSP specification, each profile belongs to one of the profile classes "Test", "Operational", and "Provisioning". This is defined in the metadata, which is part of provisioning a profile template being the basis for succeeding production of personalized profiles based on this template.

"Operational" profiles are also used by MNOs for their customers. In distinction to this, "Test" profiles are assumed to not connect to a real MNO network, but just to a test environment for testing purposes. 

Different devices behave differently with "Test" profiles, for example:

  • They may not support "Test" profiles at all (possible as support for "Test" profiles is only optional according to the GSMA specification).
  • They treat a "Test" profile in the same way as an "Operational" profile.
  • They ignore a "Test" profile unless they are switched into a "Device Test Mode" (also defined by the GSMA specification). How to do this is device dependent. This information could be obtained from the vendor or might be available from the Internet.

The conclusion is, that just downloading a "Test" profile may not work or may not be sufficient in order to test. Using the same profile, but having provisioned it as "Operational",  might be a solution. Or switching the device into test mode might be necessary.


Purchasing and Commercial FAQ

·        It is a transaction that is successful. I.e. a transaction leading to the Error state is not counted. If multiple retries of a download are necessary, it is still counted as a single transaction.

Please check the monthly email you get from us to see the status from end of last month. Newly purchased Service Credits and the Service Credit consumption during the month show up in the usage report of the month.

Please check the Service Credit usage report you get from us on a monthly basis.

Fixing Problems FAQ

Potential problems are:

  • Profile is not in the Released state:
    • If it is in the Available state, you still need to order it.
    • If it is in the Downloaded or Installed state: The profile was already downloaded to another device. Each profile can only be used on a single device at each point in time. If you delete the profile on the device, the profile returns into the Released state and you can then download it to another device.
    • If it is in the Error state: This happens if the profile download to a device or the installation on the device was not successful. To reset the profile, please go to the web page with the details of the profile and click the "Cancel" button on the upper right hand side.

In order to re-use a personalized profile that is in the Downloaded or Error state, it needs to be transferred back to Released.

First, try to delete the profile on the device, and check in the self-service portal if the profile leaves the Error state.

If this is not successful, you can enforce the reset of a profile.

When looking at the details of a profile that is in an Error state, you see a red CANCEL button on the upper right:

Clicking the CANCEL button changes the profile back into the Available state. From there it can be Ordered again and by this changed into the Released state, from which it can be downloaded again.

If this does not work, please let us know in order to find a solution.

There can be different reasons for this, for example:

  • The test profile is not interoperable with the eSIM. For example, the GSMA TS.48 V3 SAIP 2.3 with/without BER-TLV profile addresses 5G features. A device/eUICC that is not 5G-capable might not be able to deal with this profile.
  • The device is not in a clean state. Please try to reset the device, do a memory reset etc.

Probably you not only got an error message on the mobile device, but also the test profile is in the Error state in the self-service portal. Please checkhere for how to analyze/fix this.

When you need more profiles, go to the Profile Order tab in the self-service portal, select the template type you need, and start to order another profile.

Depending on how many profiles you have already ordered before, there may not be any more profiles left in stock for ordering.

In this case, go to this support pageand trigger to get more profiles into your stock. Please note: It may take a few days to fulfill your request, so it is best practice to plan with a bit of lead time. Having profiles in the stock does not generate any cost for you as long as you do not also download them.

Yes – there cannot be a guarantee that eSIM test profiles can be used on all devices/markets/constellations – in particular when this is about commercial off-the-shelf devices. The reason is that device manufactures, often in cooperation with mobile network operators, implement some limitations on the devices regarding which eSIM profiles can be used.

Limitations are, for example:

  • For smartphones:
    • Certain devices, for example, within a specific market, only accept eSIM profiles of certain mobile network operators – those which are part of a cooperation with the device manufacturer.
  • For smartwatches and other devices that are provisioned as companion device in relationship to a smartphone:
    • The eSIM of the companion device needs to be from the same mobile network operator as the one used for the smartphone.
    • The companion device and the mastering smartphone need to have the same MSISDN.
    • Only eSIM profiles from certain mobile network operators are supported.

In case the device under test comes with such (or similar) limitations, test profiles cannot be used as these limitations were hard-coded into the device by its manufacturer.

Please try to get hold of a device that does not come with such limitations.

Self-Service Portal FAQ

We only provide one self-service portal account for each customer. We recommend that you identify the best positioned person in your organization to manage this account and to act on behalf of all other colleagues.

In the Profile Management section, when you select a profile that is in the Released or Error state, a red CANCEL button becomes available:

With this button, you can change the state of a personalized profile back from Released into Available.

Please note: This is not at all related to commercially cancelling the personalized profile. It is just about the technical state change.

In case you need to change the password, for example, because it got lost or you are concerned that it has been compromised, please send us a respective service request here.

Here you find a detailed description how to install the certificate that we send you as part of the onboarding process to the service.

Save the certificate from the email on your computer, for example, on the Desktop:

Double-click the certificate file to start the Windows Certificate Import Wizard:

As a default, click Next:

The certificate file you clicked to start the process should be shown. Click Next:

There is no password set. Leave the field blank, and click Next:

If you do not want to use a special configuration on your PC, let Windows automatically select the certificate store. Click Next:

Click the Finish button and you are done.

When you open the browser with the self-service portal URL, the browser shall ask you to select the certificate to use. You may need to restart the browser. Depending on the browser, this might be skipped and the same certificate you used last time is used.

Contact us!

If you cannot find what you are looking for, leave us a note and we will get back to you as soon as possible.