What to expect:
In our 60-minute webinar we discuss the challenges of testing eSIM devices compared to testing physical SIM devices. We demonstrate, how our eSIM Test Profile Service helps overcome these hurdles. It is aimed at professionals involved in the development of connected devices with a focus on personal consumer and consumer IoT devices. Also, all professionals involved in mobile device (conformance) testing, as well as experts from MNOs responsible for device interoperability with their network, should attend.
For more information about our eSIM Test Profile Service, visit the product page.
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Dr. Marcus Dormanns
Business Development Manager
For more than 20 years, Marcus has been at the forefront of the telecommunications industry. He is a deep expert in eSIM and Remote SIM Provisioning technologies, making him a valued speaker at conferences and industry events. At COMPRION, he is responsible for driving new product and service developments in the area of compliance and interoperability testing for the mobile industry, with a focus on eSIM.
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