Products & Solutions

eSIM/RSP Professional Services

The Objective

COMPRION's portfolio of eSIM/RSP Professional Services intends to complement our eSIM/ RSP tool portfolio. Although the tool portfolio is already very comprehensive and designed to support its users in the best possible way, we want to ensure that there is no missing critical element in your individual endeavor to achieve your target, which you may not want or cannot cover yourself.

With this in mind, we shaped a portfolio of Professional Services.

The Value

Leveraging our Professional Services will:

  • Support you to achieve your target much faster
  • Prevents you from purchasing software tools, which you may only need very rarely
  • Covers an area for which very specific expert skills are required
  • Ensures that you project is successful and in time


How to quickly get access to our Professional Services

Often, your demand to levage support by a COMPRION Professional Service may arise spontaneously and you need to get support quickly. Most times, we can jointly manage this in a very fast manner:

  • Contact our Sales team to clarify the details of your requirements. Often, this will be quite easy as your demand might fit to one of our already pre-defined Professional Services elements
  • Detail the size of the effort (working days) - also often easy due to the predefined Professional Services elements
  • Our Sales team will come back to you regarding the availability of one of our experts
  • If you want to shortcut the procurement aspects, please just go to our WebShop and order the number of ageed working days for the Professional Service
  • SIM-to-eSIM Conversion
  • eSIM Test Profile Creation
  • eSIM Profile Engineering Support
  • Custom Software Development
  • eSIM Profile - eUICC/Device Interoperability Testing

When evolving towards eSIM-based services, why starting from scratch to develop an eSIM profile?

M(V)NOs provide communication services based on SIM cards, which define all the features of the  company's communication services. Often, a lot of effort has been spend over years to add more and more sophistication. Also, it is proven that the configurations on the SIM properly represent what is intended.

A friction-less evolution towards eSIM-based services can be achieved by creating the  eSIM profile based on the existing SIM card as a starting point. COMPRION can create such an eSIM profile. We start with the content of the original SIM card and conduct all the transformations necessary to end-up with an equivalent eSIM profile.

As M(V)NO, you just need to provide a sample of your SIM card with PIN keys to enable us to access all data elements of the file tree. Alternatively, you can read-out the content yourself, e.g. using COMPRION's File Tree Express tool and send this content to us. Security Domain(s) and RFM applications will be created with the parameters agreed. We'll provide a template where you can document the settings you require.

Further on, based on the deliverable of the project, you can evolve and modify the profile yourself, e.g. by using COMPRION's eUICC Profile Creator Tool. Testing the profile yourself, without the need to involve a SM-DP/DP+ provider, is possible by:

  • loading the profile onto a test eUICC/device (i.e. non-GSMA-SAS-compliant) with the Loader module (for Consumer or M2M devices) of COMPRION's eUICC Profile Manager, or
  • loading the profile on a commercial device (with full GSMA SAS compliance) via COMPRION's eSIM Test Profile Service (for Consumer devices)

Deliverable: We provide a TCA-compliant eSIM profile in ASN.1 notation to you. We will conduct  baseline interoperability testing of the profile with eUICCs/devices by testing and ensuring that the profile can be loaded and installed on two different eUICCs / devices.

Out-of-scope (but optional extension to the SIM-to-eSIM project):

  • More comprehensive interoperability testing with eUICCs / devices as defined in e.g. the "eSIM Profile - eUICC/Device Interoperability Testing" professional service
  • Adding / changing features compared to the source SIM, e.g. adding features to support specific 5G aspects to a 4G SIM card 
  • Testing against a network, e.g.:
    • functional testing of the eSIM profile with a COMPRION device simulation against a simulated network based on COMPRION's Network Bridge tool (e.g. establishing of a 2/3/4/5G data connection and ability to send SMS)
    • testing based on a real device via the physical radio interface against a Network Simulator (e.g. establishing of a 2/3/4G data connection and ability to send SMS)
    • the actual M(V)NO's network - worksplit between COMPRION and M(V)NO to be defined, i.e.:
      • Provisioning: would COMPRION provide a profile template and the M(V)NO or its SM-DP+provider would create the profile with all the network credentials and facilitate loading it to a device, or would the M(V)NO provide the network credentials to COMPRION for COMPRION to create the final profile and to provide it for downloading?
      • Would COMPRION test via Roaming or would the M(V)NO test itself within the network directly?
  • Creation of a profile template according to the M(V)NOs specification of variables


Service type: Engineering

Customer segment: M(V)NOs, (M2M) Connectivity Provider, SM-DP(+) provider

Reference: The Anritsu- / Rohde&Schwarz-specific eSIM profiles, offered within COMPRION‘s eSIM Test Profile Service, have been created this way.

Typical effort:  ~5 working days - if there are no special complexities and requirements.
Such could be: special effort to deal with applets, upgrading the profile towards a newer TCA specification, problem fixing e.g. in case the original SIM contained non-standardized features.

Test with an eSIM test profile which exactly addresses what is relevant for you!

Based on your specific requirements, COMPRION creates an eSIM test profile which allows you to exactly test what you want to test, e.g. a specific behavior of an eSIM device in the network that is controlled by information in the eSIM profile.  

Send us your requirements - potentially just as a delta to other commonly used test profiles, e.g. the portfolio of GSMA TS.48 profiles. Once we have a common understanding, we'll create your test profile.

Deliverable: Test profile in ASN.1 format. We'll test that it correctly downloads and installs on two different eUICCs/devices.

Based on the deliverable of this project (but not part of the project), you can then use the profile to facilitate your testing, e.g. by:

  • loading the test profile onto (non-GSMA-SAS-compliant) test eUICCs or test devices, e.g. using the Loader component (for Consumer or M2M devices) of COMPRION's eUICC Profile Manager tool
  • loading the test profile onto commercial devices (with full GSMA SAS compliance) by leveraging COMPRION's eSIM Test Profile Service (for Consumer devices)

In case you need to e.g. alter certain values of the test profile in order to test specific behavior of an eUICC / device, we're of course happy to support you. But there is also the option that you do it yourself by:

  • using our eUICC Profile Creator to modify the profile, before it is loaded to the eUICC / device
  • using our eUICC Profile Manager to modify certain values over the air



Service type: Engineering

Customer segment: Manufacturers of devices / modules / chip sets, Test labs

Reference: (i) Creation of a test profile for an OEM developing specific mobile devices for enterprise use cases, (ii) COMPRION was one of the major contributors to create the industry-wide used GSMA TS.48 test profiles

Typical effort: 3-5 working days, assuming that your requirements allow to use an existing GSMA / COMPRION test profile as the starting point to code your specific requirements (will be more, if the requirements are so different that a totally new profile needs to be created from scratch; in this case the effort will be in the range of 5-10 working days)

Quick and efficient support if you get stuck in your eSIM profile creation effort!

eSIM profile creation may get stuck in a situation where it is unclear how to code a certain business requirement, how to fix a syntactical / semantical issue or how to mitigate from an interoperability issue with an eUICC / device.

Support from an expert could help to overcome such an obstacle and therefore to significantly shorten the development process and to assure the intended outcome.

Our experts have all the tools at hand, which allow to address your question efficiently, e.g.:

  • eUICC Profile Creator: allows to drill deep into the profile content, to check the profile against e.g. a TCA rule-set for syntactical/semantical correctness
  • eUICC Profile Manager with the Loader module (for M2M or Consumer test eUICCs / devices) and the eSIM Test Profile Service (for commercial GSMA SAS-compliant test devices): download and install your profile and check the error messages during these steps
  • eUICC Profile Manager with the Explorer Module: check OTA aspects
  • COMPRION Network Bridge: test how a device with your profile would attach to a mobile network. Drill into all details and identify issues


Service type: Technical Consulting

Customer segment: M(V)NOs, (M2M) connectivity Provider, SM-DP(+) provider

Reference: Support of an MVNO in the consumer space, who is dealing with multiple home MNOs, to create its own eSIM profiles.

Typical effort: demand driven, often only few working days (e.g. 3-5)

Complement your (test) tool set by tailored components!

In case you have specific requirements in the context of testing mobile devices, (e)SIMs and respective functionality or RSP infrastructure, we are an experienced partner for you.

Although our portfolio of (test) tools is already quite comprehensive, it may always happen that you have a specific requirement that cannot be fulfilled by an out-of-the-box product. A project to fulfill your requirement could result in a dedicated new tool or test environment. But it may also just extent one of our products by some additional features.

Such a potential requirement is that you need test cases, which are not covered by one of our test benches, which implement the test cases from conformance test standards (the ones used by e.g. GP, PTCRB, GCF). But we are already well prepared for this scenario. Our test bench execution environment “Connectivity Test Center” is an open platform. It can also be used to develop and run custom test cases, getting all the benefits from the environment like automated test case execution and reporting. If you do not want to implement your specific test cases yourself, COMPRION can help you.



Service type: Software Engineering

Customer segment: M(V)NOs, (M2M) connectivity Provider, SM-DP(+) provider, OEMs

Reference: In long-term relationships we develop test tools for a big north American and a big European MNO.

Typical effort: depends on requirements


Ensure that your eSIM-based communication service works properly on the different devices of your customers!

Although the eSIM as well as the eSIM profile format are standardized (GSMA / Trusted Connectivity Allicance - COMPRION is member in both) and the eSIM is part of (GCF / PTCRB / GP) conformance testing, in practice interoperability problems remain. Identifying and fixing them before end users are affected and an issue results in negative business impact is key.

You provide the eUICC / device to us as well as the eSIM profile and we run it through a comprehensive testing scope, leveraging more or less our entire (test) tool portfolio, combined with all of our expert know how.
This will help you to identify and fix all interoperability problems. Or in case you have already spotted that there is a problem, the testing shall identify what aspect is causing the problem.

Deliverable: Comprehensive test report


Service type: Testing-as-a-service

Customer segment: M(V)NOs, EUMs, SM-DP(+) provider, OEMs, (M2M) connectivity provider

Reference: COMPRION is a major facilitator of GSMA’s LITE events which conducts such interoperability tests

Typical effort: fixed service pricing per tested eSIM profile - eSIM / device  combination (root cause analysis and fixes for more compley issues that have been identified may require on-top professional service effort)

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