Products & Solutions

Device Test Center

The all-in-one control software for UT³ Platform, Prove 2, and CL Verify A

  • Comprehensive test plan management
  • Powerful test reporting features
  • Signal analysis with integrated oscilloscope
  • Monitoring and logfile generation
  • Outstanding graphical user interface
  • Overview
  • Test Benches
  • Media

All-in-One Control Station

The complexity of the mobile ecosystem is continuously expanding, resulting in a greater need for comprehensive testing. As a result, the number of tests required to cover all relevant interfaces is also increasing. To address this challenge, COMPRION Device Test Center was specifically designed to simplify and accelerate your previously time-consuming testing efforts. Device Test Center is available for a wide range of COMPRION hardware, providing customers with versatile testing solutions that cater to their specific needs.

Use Cases Inlcude:

  • Testing and analysis of NFC and UICC interfaces, including ISO/IEC 7816, SWP/HCI, and IC-USB.
  • Comprehensive compliance testing of mobile devices, according to industry standards such as 3GPP, EMVCo, ETSI, GlobalPlatform, GSMA and NFC Forum.
  • Development of contact-based smart card and NFC interfaces.



Test Plan Management

Configure and manage multiple Implementations Under Test (IUT) or Devices Under Test (DUT) with varying characteristics. Easily define parameters for each IUT and automate test case adaptation. Take advantage of comprehensive features for managing IUTs, including creating, duplicating, deleting, exporting, and importing. Streamline test setup management with integrated test plan functionality. Generate comprehensive test plans, automate plan generation based on IUT features, and effectively manage requirements, test plans, and test cases for efficient testing.




Test Reporting and Analysis

Device Test Center offers a comprehensive overview and detailed insights into all your test results. It provides numerous options to accelerate analysis and bug fixing, allowing you to view individual test results, customize analysis with step-by-step instructions, generate detailed test results or summary reports for an IUT or test plan, and create certification-specific test reports effortlessly.



Troubleshooting with Analog Scope

The Analog Scope function is an additional feature for analyzing and troubleshooting signaling errors. It records and visualizes analog data, providing quick measurements of waveform characteristics with a single mouse click. Additionally, the Analog Scope Viewer allows evaluation of measurement results, including time intervals, to aid troubleshooting and assess IUT performance. Independent of test case execution, it can be used for discrete monitoring sessions. With predefined quick measurements, you gain valuable information on waveform characteristics and receive detailed comments explaining test failures.




Monitoring Capabilities

Monitoring plays a crucial role in troubleshooting by providing essential insights into recorded data across different layers, facilitating efficient issue identification and resolution. Device Test Center displays monitoring results ain separate windows, providing interpretable information about the complete data stream. Synchronized views enable seamless navigation within the log file, while zoom features allow for a closer examination of incidents at the physical layer. As a result, troubleshooting is accelerated, leading to faster identification and resolution of issues and ultimately improving development processes.

UT³ PlatformProve 2
3GPP TS 31.121 USIM
3GPP TS 31.124 USAT
3GPP TS 51.010-1 Analog

UT³ PlatformNFC Robot with UT³ PlatformCL Verify ANFC Robot with CL Verify A
PICC Analog Test Solution from COMPRION for EMVCo Level 1 approvalsPICC Analog Test Solution from COMPRION for EMVCo Level 1 approvals
EMVCo PICC Analogqualified
EMVCo PICC L1 Digitalqualifiedqualified
EMVCo PCD Analogqualified
EMVCo PCD L1 Digitalqualifiedqualified
EMVCo Terminal L1 Electricalqualified
EMVCo Terminal L1 Protocol

UT³ PlatformProve 2
ETSI TS 102 230
ETSI TS 102 694-1 SWP
ETSI TS 102 695-1 HCI
ETSI TS 102 695-3 HCI
ETSI TS 102 922-1 IC-USB

UT³ PlatformProve 2
GlobalPlatform SEAC Device
GlobalPlatform OMAPI

UT³ PlatformProve 2CL Verify A
GSMA TS.27 Android Specificwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2
GSMA TS.27 Card Emulationwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2
GSMA TS.27 General Device Supportwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2
GSMA TS.27 Multiple Card Emulation Environmentwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2
GSMA TS.27 NFC Tag Performance
GSMA TS.27 Remote Management
GSMA TS.27 SEACwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2
GSMA TS.27 SWP Stress
GSMA TS.27 UI Application Triggeringwith CL Verify Awith Prove 2

UT³ PlatformCL Verify ANFC Robot
EMVCo PCD Analog Test Solution for EMVCo L1 contactless testing
ISO 10373-6 PICC Analog (CEN TS 16794-2)recommended
ISO 10373-6 PICC Digital (CEN TS 16794-2)
ISO 10373-6 PCD Analog (CEN TS 16794-2)recommended
ISO 10373-6 PCD Digital (CEN TS 16794-2)

UT³ PlatformNFC Robot with UT³ PlatformCL Verify ANFC Robot with CL Verify A
NFC Robot for NFC Forum Analog TestingNFC Robot for NFC Forum Analog Testing
NFC Forum Digital Protocol
NFC Forum Logical Link Control Protocol
NFC Forum RF Analog
NFC Forum Tag
NFC Forum Tag Performance
NFC Forum WLC-L Type 2 Tag
NFC Forum WLC-P Type 2 Tag
NFC Forum WLC-L Type 5 Tag
NFC Forum WLC-P Type 5 Tag

CL Verify A
CCC DK E2E Interoperability
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See How to Automate Your Export of Test Results In Device Test Center in 1 Minute.

Do you know how easy it can be to start testing with the Device Test Center? Doesn´t matter what kind of device you are testing. IoT, Contactless, phones, eSIM, eUICC. It really isn´t a problem. The most important thing is that we don´t need to search through applicability tables anymore, since the Device Test Center is able to simply select all the applicable test cases that our device is supporting.

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Automate Your Export of Test Results In Device Test Center

Quick Video, quick rundown of benefits: Save time because there is no Need for manual storage; Eliminate errors by using the copy paste principle; Feed data into existing tool chains for automated analysis. Interested?

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