The newly published GSMA SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process V2.0 now requires functional testing by industry certification schemes GCF, PTCRB, and GlobalPlatform. These certifications schemes are referencing validated COMPRION RSP test benches for conformance testing. COMPRION were the first to offer validated tests for the industry.
The GSMA SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process is the framework for proving functional compliance of an RSP consumer product. Conformance testing of the RSP functionality of an eUICC (also called eSIM) is now part of the GlobalPlatform certification program whereas eSIM devices such as smartphones, tablets, and wearables require GCF or PTCRB certification in order to be declared compliant to the GSMA Compliance Process.
Claus André Madsen, COMPRION Business Development Manager and chair of the RSP Certification Group within the GSMA, emphasizes the importance of the SGP.24 Compliance Process: “Product compliance is essential for ensuring interoperability within the GSMA RSP ecosystem, and the functional testing is key to demonstrate compliance of both: an eSIM and a device containing the eSIM.” Until now, functional compliance was demonstrated by the vendor’s own testing which is often a burden for the vendor. With the updated GSMA RSP Compliance Process, vendors can rely on COMPRION test benches. At the same time, mobile operators can rely on a consistent testing scope ensuring global interoperability.
GSMA SGP.24 is the compliance process which requires testing according to the GSMA SGP.23 RSP Test Specification. The COMPRION test benches for the eUICC and the device containing an eUICC implement all SGP.23 test cases referenced by GCF, PTCRB, and GlobalPlatform. The test benches are offered with COMPRION Connectivity Test Center for test planning, reporting, and logging in relation to RSP testing.
Along with the introduction of eSIM testing, GCF has launched an RSP Standalone Scheme which, besides a normal full GCF certification, will allow a vendor to certify an eSIM device against the SGP.23 test cases only. “This provides a fast route for device vendors to certify an eSIM device and declare compliance to the GSMA RSP Compliance Process without completing the full GCF certification – and it is even available for vendors who are not members of GCF,” explains Madsen.
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