Applus+ Laboratories, a leading testing and certification service provider, and the test solution provider COMPRION have entered into a groundbreaking…
With the increasing spread of eSIM-only devices, refurbishment companies and repair centers are facing a new challenge: the elimination of the…
In this interview, Andreas Bertling and Jens Christoph share their experiences from the first year in their new roles as Managing Directors. They…
With the big boost of IoT applications and smart devices, and the growing demand for adaptable solutions that require the use of eSIMs, monitoring the…
3GPP TS 31.127: Learn about the changes in mobile device testing with the evolution of eSIMs.
Device, eSIM, profile package, LPA, IPA, SM-SR, SM-DP, SM-DP+, SM-DS, eIM, OTA server, mobile network – the RSP ecosystem is very complex and…
COMPRION, a leading company in eSIM testing, announced the release of its new product, Profile Loader IoT. This innovative testing and development…
In an interview with Jean-Philippe Betoin of the Trusted Connectivity Alliance Board, we discuss the future role of the eSIM and how to achieve…
As eSIM technology gains ground, GCF data highlights the steady rise in eSIM device testing. In this evolving landscape, RSP functionality testing…
Global industry association Trusted Connectivity Alliance (TCA) has announced the launch of an eSIM Interoperability Service to promote increased…
COMPRION will exhibit at Trustech, the global event for payments and identification solutions, which will take place from November 29 to December 1,…
Under the motto ‘It has to work when it matters’, COMPRION will present its latest test solutions and tools in the 5G and eSIM ecosystem at this…
How COMPRION and Verkotan enable eSIM mobile device testing by innovating the connection of eSIM test profiles to network simulators
This is an excerpt of a free webinar hosted June 24 2021.Learn how to test near-market-ready eSIM devices in our pre-recorded 60-minute webinar and…
This is an excerpt of a free webinar hosted June 24 2021.Learn how to test near-market-ready eSIM devices in our pre-recorded 60-minute webinar and…
This is an excerpt of a free webinar hosted June 24 2021.Learn how to test near-market-ready eSIM devices in our pre-recorded 60-minute webinar and…
Renowned test tool provider COMPRION launches new service that provides eSIM test profiles to near-market-ready and fully commercial eSIM devices…
eSIM grants benefits and advantages for a wide range of players in many global industries. Find out for which one in this video (10 min.)!
5G offers so many new opportunities to connect everything with one another. But only if you stay connected, that is! But how do you make sure that…
COMPRION extends the GlobalPlatform qualified testing scope of Applus+ Laboratories with functional eUICC tests.
The nuSIM certification program is ready to start as COMPRION supports Deutsche Telekom's nuSIM initiative with a dedicated specification and tools…
COMPRION and Rohde & Schwarz announce the COMPRION SIMfony CMX500 solution, an extension of the COMPRION SIMfony family for 5G NR USIM/USAT device…
You frequently equip the already provisioned profiles on your subscribers’ devices with new apps? Then this is right for you. Learn how to create eSIM…
You plan to install a new profile on the eSIMs of various consumer devices? But how to make sure that the installation works properly with every…
COMPRION teams up with Deutsche Telekom and henceforth supports the nuSIM initiative by creating test systems as well as qualification and functional…
COMPRION presents iSIMconnect, a connector and translator that allows manufacturers of boards or modules to establish a connection, talk to their…
Rohde & Schwarz has announced a collaboration with mobile test specialist COMPRION that gives telecommunication solution providers a method for…
Particularly in automotive emergency response systems, RSP M2M communication depends on the reliable behavior of eSIM, device, mobile network, and…
Alien eUICC profiles are “invading” your test space constantly. They are sent to you from different partners (MNOs) and consequently have very…
You regularly scan eSIMs that are crowded with different files. When you’re leaving the safe haven of standardized content, you’ll instantly stumble…
Three days full of testing eSIM profiles against eUICCs are completed. A total of 24 companies ranging from MNOs/MVNOs to eUICC manufacturers, device…
This is the motto of German test solutions provider COMPRION for this year’s Mobile World Congress where they are presenting test concepts for 5G and…
Rolling out a new eSIM app on different cards and profiles in your network might quickly turn into a real mess. Imagine that a certain version of a…
With the Profile Creator, COMPRION has developed an extremely cool feature for the eUICC Profile Manager that speeds up the composition of profiles…
Are you frequently annoyed by faulty profiles that fail to attach to the network? With the eUICC Profile Manager you can adjust eSIM profiles fast and…
Test Environment meeting GOST 33470 Chapter 9 specifications verified at Certification Centre Svyaz-sertificat in Russia
COMPRION has launched a new test system that eases the introduction of eSIM and RSP technology for enterprises.
The newly published GSMA SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process V2.0 now requires functional testing by industry certification schemes GCF, PTCRB, and…
For all those, who work with eSIMs, we have good news: With COMPRION eUICC Profile Manager, it is easy to load profiles to the eUICC quickly – within…
Testing consumer devices in terms of their RSP functionality including SM-DS becomes part of the GCF mobile type approval certification program
Thanks to the GlobalPlatform qualification of COMPRION eUICC Consumer Devices card tests, test labs and card manufacturers are able to certify their…
Materna und COMPRION vereinbaren Partnerschaft und unterstützen bei der Realisierung eSIM-basierter Projekte.
Wouldn’t it be good to know if the eUICC is fit for profile operations – before soldering it irreversibly into the module? It could be as easy as…
Watch the video interview with Hajo Sandschneider for Developing Telecoms.
Dr. Frank Oberhokamp, our expert on eUICCs and remote SIM provisioning, talks about the importance and the risk of insufficient testing.
At the Mobile World Congress, the biggest telecommunications tradeshow taking place February 27 to March 02 in Barcelona, COMPRION will focus on…
With the introduction of the eUICC and the rise of the Internet of Things, the industry has reached a major turning point. For decades, the SIM life…
Today, mobile data communication is used in two rather different environments: machine to machine (M2M) and consumer devices. M2M is the communication…
COMPRION has announced today that they supply Safran Identity & Security with their COMPRION Network Bridge software solution. As a global leader in…
RSP M2M Test Platform is the name of the new COMPRION test solution enabling remote SIM provisioning (RSP) tests in a lab environment.
COMPRION eUICC Profile Manager is a new piece of modular software that consists of a set of server simulations which access the various eUICC…
An interview with Jean Christophe Tisseuil, Head of SIM Technology and Arnaud Danree, Technical Product Manager, Connected Living Programme from the…
COMPRION has launched a new software for interoperability testing – the COMPRION Network Bridge. It enables the complex processing of remote…
Interoperable, flexible mobile connectivity for IoT moves one step closer!
COMPRION has developed a new testing architecture for embedded UICCs (eUICCs), also known as eSIMs. The new methodology focuses on quality assurance,…
This article gives an overview of the GSMA specifications concerning embedded UICC (short eUICC), especially the infrastructure needed to provision…
Companies such as Mobile Network Operators use Over-The-Air (OTA) communication as a core mechanism for secure provisioning and (re-)programming of…
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