The new COMPRION Consumer Device Test eUICC enables mobile phone manufacturers, MNOs, and infrastructure suppliers to examine the interplay between a…
Thanks to the GlobalPlatform qualification of COMPRION eUICC Consumer Devices card tests, test labs and card manufacturers are able to certify their…
Thanks to newly validated test cases on a COMPRION test platform, an important step forward was taken for the eUICC consumer devices ecosystem: Remote…
In line with the just published GSMA SGP.23 test specification for Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) of eUICCs in consumer devices, COMPRION has announced…
The eagerly expected test specification for Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) of eUICCs in consumer devices is ready. The new test cases are the basis for…
COMPRION are the first to offer a test bench according to the new GSMA SGP.23 RSP Test Specification for consumer devices. The test bench helps…
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