Applus+ Laboratories, a leading testing and certification service provider, and the test solution provider COMPRION have entered into a groundbreaking…
The recent test session at COMPRION was the final rehearsal for the crucial Test Fest in the last quarter of 2024 and brought together card…
COMPRION's eUICC Profile Creator (ePC) now also supports the creation of Lightweight IoT Minimal eSIM Profiles according to the new TCA Interoperable…
COMPRION, a leading company in eSIM testing, announced the release of its new product, Profile Loader IoT. This innovative testing and development…
Three days full of testing eSIM profiles against eUICCs are completed. A total of 24 companies ranging from MNOs/MVNOs to eUICC manufacturers, device…
In the future, we will see more and more M2M devices with an eSIM. To ensure that switching to another MNO and the related Remote SIM Provisioning…
COMPRION has launched a new test system that eases the introduction of eSIM and RSP technology for enterprises.
The new COMPRION Consumer Device Test eUICC enables mobile phone manufacturers, MNOs, and infrastructure suppliers to examine the interplay between a…
The newly published GSMA SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process V2.0 now requires functional testing by industry certification schemes GCF, PTCRB, and…
Testing consumer devices in terms of their RSP functionality including SM-DS becomes part of the GCF mobile type approval certification program
Thanks to the GlobalPlatform qualification of COMPRION eUICC Consumer Devices card tests, test labs and card manufacturers are able to certify their…
Thanks to newly validated test cases on a COMPRION test platform, an important step forward was taken for the eUICC consumer devices ecosystem: Remote…
In line with the just published GSMA SGP.23 test specification for Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) of eUICCs in consumer devices, COMPRION has announced…
The eagerly expected test specification for Remote SIM Provisioning (RSP) of eUICCs in consumer devices is ready. The new test cases are the basis for…
The new COMPRION "GSMA SGP.11 Off-card Interfaces Test Bench" helps server providers to prove that their SM-DP or SM-SR are compliant with the GSMA…
COMPRION are the first to offer a test bench according to the new GSMA SGP.23 RSP Test Specification for consumer devices. The test bench helps…
Watch the video interview with Hajo Sandschneider for Developing Telecoms.
COMPRION’s modular tool for efficient eUICC life-cycle management now supports phase 2 of the GSMA specifications for consumer devices. Phase 2 of…
At the Mobile World Congress, the biggest telecommunications tradeshow taking place February 27 to March 02 in Barcelona, COMPRION will focus on…
Using the smartphone to access public transport services brought together two industries with NFC standards which were not fully compatible. To combat…
Today, mobile data communication is used in two rather different environments: machine to machine (M2M) and consumer devices. M2M is the communication…
New NFC Forum release and validation of the first test solution pave the way for true interoperability between public transport readers and NFC mobile…
On September 01, 2016, Optimos, the NFC initiative of the German Federal Government, as well as the standardization bodies GSMA and NFC Forum, have…
The current evolution of low-level test standards shows that not everything has been clarified so far. NFC Forum, GSMA, and EMVCo have taken different…
An interview with Jean Christophe Tisseuil, Head of SIM Technology and Arnaud Danree, Technical Product Manager, Connected Living Programme from the…
COMPRION has launched a new software for interoperability testing – the COMPRION Network Bridge. It enables the complex processing of remote…
We are proud to announce that COMPRION has released three new test benches for network-independent features of mobile phones. They are needed by…
The GSMA TS.27 NFC Handset Test Book is a collection of test cases that verify the functionality of a mobile device for UICC-based NFC services. The…
This article gives an overview of the GSMA specifications concerning embedded UICC (short eUICC), especially the infrastructure needed to provision…
COMPRION is the first to provide new test cases covering the GSMA Handset Test Book requirements for the UT³ Platform. The conformance tests for…
COMPRION extends its involvement in EMVCo activities. Testing for mobile payment is now required by the mobile operator association GSMA through their…
NFC is on everyone’s lips. Terminal and card vendors, network operators, financial institutions, and many others have been discussing the benefits and…
When the members of the GSMA’s Terminal Steering Group (TSG) agreed to take forward the Digital Commerce project team’s ‘NFC handset requirements and…
Around the world, mobile network operators are launching NFC services. As the number of services and the range of handsets increases, global…
As member of the SIMalliance, COMPRION has been deeply involved in the development of OMAPI test specifications. A comprehensive test solution…
NFC is on everyone’s lips. Terminal and card vendors, network operators, financial institutions, and many others have been discussing the benefits and…
COMPRION supports the GSMA (GSM Asscociation) as an associate member. Andreas Bertling, Director of Technology & Standardization at COMPRION states:…
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