COMPRION has received approval for NFC Forum CR13/TR13.2, the latest NFC Forum release to enhance NFC technology, meet new market demands, and boost…
COMPRION presented its new CL Wave 50 NFC test hardware for the first time at TRUSTECH 2022 in Paris. CL Wave 50 is a new component that is initially…
COMPRION will exhibit at Trustech, the global event for payments and identification solutions, which will take place from November 29 to December 1,…
With the recent validation of the EMVCo 3.1a PCD digital tests, UT³ Platform continues to be the only tool worldwide for all terminal tests at EMVCo…
Do you encounter high deviations of contactless analog results for EMVCo testing with your current setup? Does it take ages to compare the delta…
Due to the recently granted validation of the EMVCo 3.0 PCD digital tests on UT³ Platform, the latter has become the only tool worldwide for all…
Test tool provider COMPRION is proud to announce that their EMVCo conformance test system for contactless POS terminals has received the Letter of…
COMPRION has recently released NFC Test Designer as part of the Device Test Center software. It is an add-on that enables lab testers and quality…
COMPRION introduces their new product line for NFC development testing that helps identifying and resolving error causes in NFC communication at an…
Material, form, and coating of your NFC reader might have a negative impact on the performance. Now, you can thoroughly evaluate the magnetic field…
COMPRION has won the SESAMES Award 2017 in the category “Manufacturing & Test” for Design Validation Center with Vector Field Probe. This is a new…
An unprecedented vector field measurement visualizes signal information in a completely new way. The new solution helps integrators of NFC modules to…
The new solution stands out through a unique vector field probe which enables manufacturers and integrators of NFC readers to validate their…
Learn how to easily and inconspicuously detect faulty terminals in the field. Craig Matsumoto, Editor-in-Chief at Light Reading, interviewing our…
COMPRION has decided to discontinue manufacturing and maintenance of the contactless test tool CLT One but announces, at the same time, a new…
New COMPRION TraceCase helps to prevent communication failures in contactless payments
DEKRA’s ATL for NFC Forum certification in Málaga (Spain) has selected a COMPRION test system for NFC Forum-approved compliance testing – be it RF…
The automotive industry is certainly one of the key industries when it comes to widespread application of NFC technology. Users, however, will only…
An Interview with Paula Hunter from the NFC Forum
While many people love the idea of revealing very personal information in social media like Facebook, some become very reluctant and cautious when…
AIM-D is a European subchapter of AIM, a global trade association for the Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) industry. Through its…
CETECOM’s laboratory in Milpitas has purchased the COMPRION EMVCo PCD Analog Test Solution. The team in Milpitas will use it to offer terminal type…
Test laboratory CTC advanced GmbH (formerly CETECOM ICT Services GmbH) have bought the EMVCO PCD Analog Test Solution by COMPRION. They will use the…
New NFC Forum release and validation of the first test solution pave the way for true interoperability between public transport readers and NFC mobile…
On September 01, 2016, Optimos, the NFC initiative of the German Federal Government, as well as the standardization bodies GSMA and NFC Forum, have…
The current evolution of low-level test standards shows that not everything has been clarified so far. NFC Forum, GSMA, and EMVCo have taken different…
COMPRION has received the EMVCo Letter of Qualification for its EMVCo PICC Analog Test Solution, which can now be used for type approval of bankcards…
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