COMPRION participated in the CCC Members Meeting held last week in Cavtat, Croatia, from September 16 to 19, 2024. During the meeting, numerous…
By offering a new validated test bench according to NFC Forum CR13/TR13.1, COMPRION paves the way for interoperable products using wireless charging.
COMPRION is proud to announce that we have upgraded our membership in the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) to the Core level. This upgrade allows us…
COMPRION has received approval for NFC Forum CR13/TR13.2, the latest NFC Forum release to enhance NFC technology, meet new market demands, and boost…
The Car Connectivity Consortium has just announced its CCC Digital Key Certification. COMPRION is pleased to be the provider of the validated CCC…
COMPRION and Ellisys, two leading providers of tools and test solutions, have announced a strategic partnership to develop a test system for the CCC…
A profound understanding of the underlying technology is pivotal when implementing and developing robust automotive keyless entry systems. These…
COMPRION presented its new CL Wave test hardware for the first time at TRUSTECH in Paris. CL Wave is a new component that is initially intended to be…
From November 7 to 11, 2022, the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) invited its members to the CCC End-to-End Interoperability Plugfest #2, which took…
COMPRION will exhibit at Trustech, the global event for payments and identification solutions, which will take place from November 29 to December 1,…
The NFC Forum has primarily implemented requirements of the Car Connectivity Consortium (CCC) in their new certification release CR13. COMPRION is the…
You’re using TraceCase to sniff into payment transactions in the field, but you’re faced with incomplete or faulty traces that are not helpful. The…
Often the biggest challenge when you analyze NFC is establishing proper trigger conditions that provide a stable display of waveforms. With…
A great selection of NFC and ISO triggers, individual envelope signal calculation, and NFC/ISO measurement features facilitate the evaluation of…
The new Design Validation Center Release 1.1 that is launched on 03/28/2018 has got three cool new features that help you to optimize the design of…
COMPRION has recently released NFC Test Designer as part of the Device Test Center software. It is an add-on that enables lab testers and quality…
You intend to measure the magnetic field strength of an NFC reader. In order to obtain an accurate representation of the magnetic field, you need a…
COMPRION introduces their new product line for NFC development testing that helps identifying and resolving error causes in NFC communication at an…
Material, form, and coating of your NFC reader might have a negative impact on the performance. Now, you can thoroughly evaluate the magnetic field…
COMPRION has won the SESAMES Award 2017 in the category “Manufacturing & Test” for Design Validation Center with Vector Field Probe. This is a new…
An unprecedented vector field measurement visualizes signal information in a completely new way. The new solution helps integrators of NFC modules to…
The new solution stands out through a unique vector field probe which enables manufacturers and integrators of NFC readers to validate their…
NFC is designed to make your life simple. If it doesn’t work, it won’t be accepted. To ensure proper functioning of NFC devices, testing beyond…
Learn how to easily and inconspicuously detect faulty terminals in the field. Craig Matsumoto, Editor-in-Chief at Light Reading, interviewing our…
As a producer of contactless payment terminals (NFC) for banking and retail, you keep getting complains from the payment provider about failed payment…
COMPRION has decided to discontinue manufacturing and maintenance of the contactless test tool CLT One but announces, at the same time, a new…
New COMPRION TraceCase helps to prevent communication failures in contactless payments
DEKRA’s ATL for NFC Forum certification in Málaga (Spain) has selected a COMPRION test system for NFC Forum-approved compliance testing – be it RF…
The automotive industry is certainly one of the key industries when it comes to widespread application of NFC technology. Users, however, will only…
An Interview with Paula Hunter from the NFC Forum
The mobile payment market is growing and revolutionizing how to pay at the register. With increased complexity resulting from the interaction of many…
Using the smartphone to access public transport services brought together two industries with NFC standards which were not fully compatible. To combat…
AIM-D is a European subchapter of AIM, a global trade association for the Automatic Identification and Data Capture (AIDC) industry. Through its…
With the new Device Test Center Release R6.3, COMPRION offers the new test bench GSMA TS.27 Remote Management Stage 1 referring to the GSMA TS.27 NFC…
New NFC Forum release and validation of the first test solution pave the way for true interoperability between public transport readers and NFC mobile…
On September 01, 2016, Optimos, the NFC initiative of the German Federal Government, as well as the standardization bodies GSMA and NFC Forum, have…
COMPRION UT³ Platform is the first test tool validated to NFC Forum Test Release 2015-B. The new test release includes updates in support of existing…
At the GCF Combined Agreement Group meeting #46, taking place in New Jersey on April 26-27, 2016, the new WI-236 was introduced by GCF. The new work…
The GSMA TS.27 NFC Handset Test Book is a collection of test cases that verify the functionality of a mobile device for UICC-based NFC services. The…
COMPRION UT³ Platform is the unique test platform that allows – in only one box – running conformance tests for GCF USIM/USAT, the new NFC Test Book,…
GlobalPlatform has qualified the test benches TS 102 694-2 (SWP) and ETSI TS 102 695-2 (HCI), which are now available for COMPRION’s card test tools…
COMPRION is among the first implementing the test cases for the second phase of LLCP (Logical Link Control Protocol), and SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange…
The CARTES SESAMES Awards presented on Monday, November 3rd 2014, in Paris rewarded the industry’s best innovations. The award in the category…
When it comes to conformance testing of mobiles phones on the UICC interface, the IT³ Platform is without any doubt the reference. The test system was…
NFC is on everyone’s lips. Terminal and card vendors, network operators, financial institutions, and many others have been discussing the benefits and…
When the members of the GSMA’s Terminal Steering Group (TSG) agreed to take forward the Digital Commerce project team’s ‘NFC handset requirements and…
With the increasing prevalence of NFC-enabled smartphones, contactless communication is gaining more and more influence in everyday life. The simple…
COMPRION‘s NFC Forum Analog Test Solution has been confirmed as an Approved Test Tool by the NFC Forum. Its listing on the NFC Forum website follows…
The NFC Forum has confirmed COMPRION’s proven UT³ Platform as an Approved Test Tool for LLCP and SNEP certification testing. Just after delta…
Around the world, mobile network operators are launching NFC services. As the number of services and the range of handsets increases, global…
This is a time where a whole industry is on the verge of changing the day-to-day lives of us all by introducing NFC technology. It is anticipated that…
China Mobile, the world’s biggest mobile telecom company by number of subscribers, has launched their all new NFC services. The Hong Kong based MNO…
NFC is on everyone’s lips. Terminal and card vendors, network operators, financial institutions, and many others have been discussing the benefits and…
The recently released DTA automation for NFC Forum test cases has won in the "Best Testing Solution" category and could convince the jury through its…
Stollmann and COMPRION, two strong players in the NFC market, have joined forces to reduce test time and error prone activities for digital NFC Forum…
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