Ever wondered how to operate the COMPRION TraceCase, our sniffer for contactless communication, without relying on a smartphone? In our latest video,…
A profound understanding of the underlying technology is pivotal when implementing and developing robust automotive keyless entry systems. These…
You’re using TraceCase to sniff into payment transactions in the field, but you’re faced with incomplete or faulty traces that are not helpful. The…
COMPRION’s field tester TraceCase now has an EMV Payment Translator that can interpret application-specific payment commands and thus enables even…
Learn how to easily and inconspicuously detect faulty terminals in the field. Craig Matsumoto, Editor-in-Chief at Light Reading, interviewing our…
As a producer of contactless payment terminals (NFC) for banking and retail, you keep getting complains from the payment provider about failed payment…
New COMPRION TraceCase helps to prevent communication failures in contactless payments
The mobile payment market is growing and revolutionizing how to pay at the register. With increased complexity resulting from the interaction of many…
Test Your Remote SIM Provisioning Capabilities! Visit us at Trustech in Cannes, 29 November - 1 December 2016
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