Today, test tool manufacturer COMPRION announces that their test system for approval of contactless means of payment, like cards, smartphones, and…
As a producer of contactless payment terminals (NFC) for banking and retail, you keep getting complains from the payment provider about failed payment…
COMPRION has decided to discontinue manufacturing and maintenance of the contactless test tool CLT One but announces, at the same time, a new…
DEKRA’s ATL for NFC Forum certification in Málaga (Spain) has selected a COMPRION test system for NFC Forum-approved compliance testing – be it RF…
While many people love the idea of revealing very personal information in social media like Facebook, some become very reluctant and cautious when…
As the first company, COMPRION has received the letter of qualification for its COMPRION EMVCo PICC Digital Test Solution for EMVCo specification…
COMPRION UT³ Platform is the first test tool validated to NFC Forum Test Release 2015-B. The new test release includes updates in support of existing…
The American safety consulting and certification company Underwriters Laboratories (UL) equips their lab with COMPRION’s UT³ Platform conformance test…
With the increasing prevalence of NFC-enabled smartphones, contactless communication is gaining more and more influence in everyday life. The simple…
COMPRION‘s NFC Forum Analog Test Solution has been confirmed as an Approved Test Tool by the NFC Forum. Its listing on the NFC Forum website follows…
COMPRION’s UT³ Platform has recently been approved by the NFC Forum for Digital Protocol Functional Testing and is now listed on their website in the…
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