With the recent validation of the EMVCo 3.1a PCD digital tests, UT³ Platform continues to be the only tool worldwide for all terminal tests at EMVCo…
COMPRION activates WI-509-NR USAT at the GCF CAG #67 meeting. Test Platform Approval Criteria (TPAC) for WI-509-NR was reached thanks to the…
At the GCF Combined Agreement Group #67 meeting, held July 20-23, 2021, WI-509-NR USAT was activated. This was achieved thanks to the validation of…
COMPRION proud to announce NFC Forum validation for CR12.
PTCRB accepted the initial validation of COMPRION's 5G NR USIM tests for RTF 508. This makes COMPRION's Test Platforms TP226 and TP227 the first…
Test tool provider COMPRION is proud to announce that their EMVCo conformance test system for contactless POS terminals has received the Letter of…
Today, test tool manufacturer COMPRION announces that their test system for approval of contactless means of payment, like cards, smartphones, and…
DEKRA’s ATL for NFC Forum certification in Málaga (Spain) has selected a COMPRION test system for NFC Forum-approved compliance testing – be it RF…
While many people love the idea of revealing very personal information in social media like Facebook, some become very reluctant and cautious when…
As the first company, COMPRION has received the letter of qualification for its COMPRION EMVCo PICC Digital Test Solution for EMVCo specification…
Today, COMPRION has announced that EMVCo has qualified its PICC Analog Test Solution for the Version 2.6a. Swantje Missfeldt, EMVCo Product Manager at…
COMPRION UT³ Platform is the first test tool validated to NFC Forum Test Release 2015-B. The new test release includes updates in support of existing…
COMPRION has received the EMVCo Letter of Qualification for its EMVCo PICC Analog Test Solution, which can now be used for type approval of bankcards…
At the GCF Combined Agreement Group meeting #46, taking place in New Jersey on April 26-27, 2016, the new WI-236 was introduced by GCF. The new work…
COMPRION offers a new useful accessory for its NFC Analog Test Solution that makes the execution of NFC Forum RF test cases easier.The NFC Listener…
EMVCo has approved the EMVCo Electrical Terminal Test Solution of the German test equipment manufacturer COMPRION. The solution is operated on the UT³…
COMPRION UT³ Platform is the unique test platform that allows – in only one box – running conformance tests for GCF USIM/USAT, the new NFC Test Book,…
The American safety consulting and certification company Underwriters Laboratories (UL) equips their lab with COMPRION’s UT³ Platform conformance test…
COMPRION is the first to provide new test cases covering the GSMA Handset Test Book requirements for the UT³ Platform. The conformance tests for…
The NFC Forum publishes a new version of the existing test specifications twice a year. They contain bug fixes and extensions and apply to all parts…
COMPRION is among the first implementing the test cases for the second phase of LLCP (Logical Link Control Protocol), and SNEP (Simple NDEF Exchange…
When it comes to conformance testing of mobiles phones on the UICC interface, the IT³ Platform is without any doubt the reference. The test system was…
The NFC Forum has confirmed COMPRION’s proven UT³ Platform as an Approved Test Tool for LLCP and SNEP certification testing. Just after delta…
COMPRION’s UT³ Platform has recently been approved by the NFC Forum for Digital Protocol Functional Testing and is now listed on their website in the…
As member of the SIMalliance, COMPRION has been deeply involved in the development of OMAPI test specifications. A comprehensive test solution…
This is a time where a whole industry is on the verge of changing the day-to-day lives of us all by introducing NFC technology. It is anticipated that…
China Mobile, the world’s biggest mobile telecom company by number of subscribers, has launched their all new NFC services. The Hong Kong based MNO…
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