Applus+ Laboratories, a leading testing and certification service provider, and the test solution provider COMPRION have entered into a groundbreaking…
The recent test session at COMPRION was the final rehearsal for the crucial Test Fest in the last quarter of 2024 and brought together card…
COMPRION employee Andras Talas, who is also the responsible editor of the GlobalPlatform OMAPI Test Specification, was honored with the GlobalPlatform…
The newly published GSMA SGP.24 RSP Compliance Process V2.0 now requires functional testing by industry certification schemes GCF, PTCRB, and…
Thanks to the GlobalPlatform qualification of COMPRION eUICC Consumer Devices card tests, test labs and card manufacturers are able to certify their…
COMPRION successfully participated in the last GlobalPlatform TestFest taking place in Lisbon from April 4-7. COMPRION reached 100 % of the test…
The GSMA has published various specifications for standardizing the eUICC. Among them are the core specification SGP.02, the Remote Provisioning…
GlobalPlatform has qualified the test benches TS 102 694-2 (SWP) and ETSI TS 102 695-2 (HCI), which are now available for COMPRION’s card test tools…
After the successful qualification of SWP/HCI tests on COMPRION’s “Spectro TP” in December, COMPRION is proud to announce that three further card…
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